Drones @ UNF

a website about drones and drone safety on the UNF campus


Who “owns” the airspace above us? Well, maybe owns is the wrong word. Governs is maybe a better term. And while UNF doesn’t govern the airspace above campus (that would be the FAA), it does govern the entire UNF property. Because of liability and property insurance issues, UNF Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) has certain requirements that must be adhered to before flying (taking off and landing) your drone.

Airplane in flight at sunset

Recreational vs. Commercial

There are two general categories that drones fall into in terms of their use – Recreational and Commercial. At UNF, all drones are considered commercial in use and you will need to register your drone and obtain a remote pilot license from the FAA. 


The Center for Instruction and Research Technology (CIRT) offers expertise, resources, and training to assist faculty in ways that enable them to develop greater capacities for using technology for teaching and research.

Contact CIRT for more information.


Staff are often directly involved in research that is happening at the university. We encourage you to get certified to fly as a commercial remote pilot.


What about UNF Students?

Students aren’t allowed to operate drones on campus, unless they are an employee who is a certified remote pilot or they operate under the direct supervision of a certified pilot who is also a UNF employee. Learn more about getting certified.


Frequent asked questions, and answers --BEFORE YOU FLY

You’ll need to consult the Florida Department of Management Services (DMS) page on Approved Drone Manufacturers, and note the list of approved Drones.

Yes, but there are several requirements before you can legally fly, and certain restrictions about when and where. You can start by reviewing some information about the UNF Airspace, and then review the steps to get legally certified.

Yes. You will need to register your drone with The UNF Department of Environmental Health & Safety as well as the FAA (no matter how small your drone is).

Essentially, yes. The only exception to that would be if you were directly assisting an FAA certified “Remote Pilot in Command” (RPIC), and they would be responsible for you. To find out more, go to our certification page.

The FAA is the certification body responsible for the national airspace. We have a certification page with more information.

Here’s a catch all to inform you about other drobe topics such as Remote ID, and other current drone topics.

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Photo Credits: Andy Rush,  ThisisEngineering RAEng, CoWomen, Mimi Thian on Unsplash
